Dr. Ravit Boger

Dr. Boger is a professor at the division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases.
She completed her MD studies and pediatrics residency in Tel-Aviv University in Israel followed by a fellowship in pediatric infectious diseases at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions.
She is an attending physician in infectious diseases and performs clinical translational and basic studies of CMV.
Dr. Boger has a long-lasting passion for music and believes in the effect of music on science. She is a member of the violin section of the
Columbia Orchestra. When time permits, she participates in chamber music programs of the
Baltimore Symphony Orchestra Academy. Her favorite violinist is Gil Shaham.
Open positions
We welcome applications for post-doctoral positions.
Post-doctoral fellows
Arun Kapoor, PhD

Part of our lab since 2011. Completed his PhD studies in Academia Sinica, Taiwan. His main interest is induction of innate immune responses by Human CMV.
Children's center article about Dr. Kapoor's work
Clinical Fellows
Swathi Gowtham, MD

Completed her pediatric residency in Robert Wood Johnson Hospital, New Brunswick, NJ.
Project: Role of herpesviruses in graft versus host disease in pediatric bone marrow transplant recipients
Breanna Barger-Kamate, MD

Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellow, Johns Hopkins Hospital
Completed her pediatric residency at Johns Hopkins
Project: Malaria therapy and CMV replication (funded by the Thrasher foundation)
Previous Members
Ran He, PhD

Was instrumental in setting up all anti-viral assays in the lab and initiated the studies of novel artemisinins as potent CMV inhibitors.
Hongy Cai, PhD

Graduated in Biochemsitry from University of Maryland. Worked on combination of anti-CMV agents.
Rajkumar Venkatadri, PhD

Completed his PhD in the Vellore Institute of Technology in India. His main interest was the effect of anti-CMV compounds on cellular signaling pathways
Sujayita Roy, PhD

Completed her PhD at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
Former postdoc in the laboratories of Dr. Paula Pitha-Rowe, Department of Biology, and Dr. Linda Resar, Determent of Hematology, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. Her main interest was the interaction of CMV with the WNT pathway.
Rupkatha Mukhopadhyay, PhD

Completed her PhD studies at University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India.
Has experience in host pathogen interaction in Leishmania donovani infection.
Worked on mechanisms of action of newly-identified CMV inhibitors.
Boger CMV Lab • [email protected]